What is DBMS
DBMS(database Management System) is System for manage data in database system.
Types of database Management System:
Mainly 4 types of database management system(DBMS) available but 1 more NoSQL can considered in DBMS
1.Hierarchical DBMS
2.Network DBMS
4.Object Oriented DBMS
Hierarchical DBMS:
Hierarchical DBMS Manage Data in hierarchical form like flowchart or tree format.
The hierarchical structure developed by IBM in the 1960s.
Examples: IBM Information Management System (IMS) and the RDM Mobile.

Network DBMS:
database mange data in network format means each and every data connect to each other.
The network model was adopted by the CODASYL Data Base Task Group in 1969.
Examples: mainframe and minicomputers are popular name for network database systems.

Relational DBMS:
manage data in tabular format and each and every table manage entity relation.
RDBMS was invented by E. F. Codd at IBM in 1970. In 1974, IBM began developing System R, a research project to develop a prototype RDBMS and 1st commercially product is Oracle, released in 1979 by Relational Software, now called Oracle Corporation.
Other examples of RDBMS MS Sql Server, DB2, SAP Sybase ASE, Informix, Postgres SQL, mysql etc.

Object Oriented DBMS:
manage data in object based and its use in object-oriented programming.
ODBMS (Object Database Management System) combine database capabilities with object-oriented programming language capabilities. OODBMSs allow object-oriented programmers to develop like product, store them as objects, and replicate or modify existing objects to make new objects within the OODBMS.
Because the database is integrated with the programming language, the programmer can maintain consistency within one environment, in that both the OODBMS and the programming language will use the same model of representation.
Example : object-oriented databases are designed to work well with OPS langue’s such as Visual Basic .NET, Java, C#, C++, Python, JavaScript etc.

NoSSQL is a similar of RDBMS but their data manage in non-relational model. Generally, NoSQL use for store key-value, wide column, graph, or document kind of data. NoSQL databases are increasingly used in big data and real-time web applications.
Example of NoSQL DBMS
Wide column: Accumulo, Cassandra, Scylla, HBase.
Document: MongoDB, Apache CouchDB, ArangoDB, BaseX, Clusterpoint, Couchbase, Cosmos DB, eXist-db, IBM Domino, MarkLogic, OrientDB, RethinkDB.
Key-value: Aerospike, Apache Ignite, ArangoDB, Berkeley DB, Couchbase, Dynamo, FoundationDB, InfinityDB, MemcacheDB, MUMPS, Oracle NoSQL Database, OrientDB, Redis, Riak, SciDB, SDBM/Flat File dbm, ZooKeeper
Graph: AllegroGraph, ArangoDB, InfiniteGraph, Apache Giraph, MarkLogic, Neo4J, OrientDB, Virtuoso
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